Install DGL

At this stage, we recommend installing DGL from conda or pip.

System requirements

Currently DGL is tested on

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • macOS X
  • Windows 10

DGL is expected to work on all Linux distributions later than Ubuntu 16.04, macOS X, and Windows 10.

DGL also requires the Python version to be 3.5 or later. Python 3.4 or less is not tested, and Python 2 support is coming.

DGL supports multiple tensor libraries (e.g. PyTorch, MXNet) as backends; refer Working with different backends for requirements on backends and how to select a backend.

Install from conda

One can either grab miniconda or the full anaconda if conda has not been installed.

Once the conda environment is activated, run

conda install -c dglteam dgl

Install from pip

One can simply run the following command to install via pip:

pip install dgl

Working with different backends

Currently DGL supports PyTorch and MXNet.

Switching backend

The backend is controlled by DGLBACKEND environment variable, which defaults to pytorch. Currently it supports the following values:

Value Backend Memo
pytorch PyTorch Requires 0.4.1 or later; see official website
mxnet MXNet

Requires nightly build; run the following command to install:

pip install --pre mxnet
numpy NumPy Does not support gradient computation

Install from source

First, download the source files from GitHub:

git clone --recursive

One can also clone the repository first and run the following:

git submodule init
git submodule update


Install the system packages for building the shared library, for Debian/Ubuntu users, run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential build-dep python3-dev make cmake

For Fedora/RHEL/CentOS users, run:

sudo yum install -y gcc-c++ python3-devel make cmake

Build the shared library and install the Python binding afterwards:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
cd ../python
python install


Installation on macOS is similar to Linux. But macOS users need to install building tools like clang, GNU Make, cmake first.

Tools like clang and GNU Make are packaged in Command Line Tools for macOS. To install:

xcode-select --install

To install other needed packages like cmake, we recommend first installing Homebrew, which is a popular package manager for macOS. Detailed instructions can be found on its homepage.

After installation of Homebrew, install cmake by:

brew install cmake

Then go to root directory of DGL repository, build shared library and install Python binding for DGL:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
cd ../python
python install

We tested installation on macOS X with clang 10.0.0, GNU Make 3.81, and cmake 3.13.1.


Currently Windows source build is tested with CMake and MinGW/GCC. We highly recommend using CMake and GCC from conda installations. To do so, run

conda install cmake m2w64-gcc m2w64-make

Then build the shared library and install the Python binding:

md build
cd build
cd ..\python
python install

We also support building DGL with MSBuild. With MS Build Tools and CMake on Windows installed, run the following in VS2017 x64 Native tools command prompt:

MD build
CD build
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="/DDGL_EXPORTS" -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES="Release" .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
msbuild dgl.sln
cd ..\python
python install