
class dgl.graphbolt.OnDiskDataset(path: str, include_original_edge_id: bool = False, force_preprocess: bool | None = None, auto_cast_to_optimal_dtype: bool = True)[source]

Bases: Dataset

An on-disk dataset which reads graph topology, feature data and Train/Validation/Test set from disk.

Due to limited resources, the data which are too large to fit into RAM will remain on disk while others reside in RAM once OnDiskDataset is initialized. This behavior could be controled by user via in_memory field in YAML file. All paths in YAML file are relative paths to the dataset directory.

A full example of YAML file is as follows:

dataset_name: graphbolt_test
    - type: paper # could be omitted for homogeneous graph.
      num: 1000
    - type: author
      num: 1000
    - type: author:writes:paper # could be omitted for homogeneous graph.
      format: csv # Can be csv only.
      path: edge_data/author-writes-paper.csv
    - type: paper:cites:paper
      format: csv
      path: edge_data/paper-cites-paper.csv
  - domain: node
    type: paper # could be omitted for homogeneous graph.
    name: feat
    format: numpy
    in_memory: false # If not specified, default to true.
    path: node_data/paper-feat.npy
  - domain: edge
    type: "author:writes:paper"
    name: feat
    format: numpy
    in_memory: false
    path: edge_data/author-writes-paper-feat.npy
  - name: "edge_classification"
    num_classes: 10
      - type: paper # could be omitted for homogeneous graph.
        data: # multiple data sources could be specified.
          - name: seeds
            format: numpy # Can be numpy or torch.
            in_memory: true # If not specified, default to true.
            path: set/paper-train-seeds.npy
          - name: labels
            format: numpy
            path: set/paper-train-labels.npy
      - type: paper
          - name: seeds
            format: numpy
            path: set/paper-validation-seeds.npy
          - name: labels
            format: numpy
            path: set/paper-validation-labels.npy
      - type: paper
          - name: seeds
            format: numpy
            path: set/paper-test-seeds.npy
          - name: labels
            format: numpy
            path: set/paper-test-labels.npy
  • path (str) – The YAML file path.

  • include_original_edge_id (bool, optional) – Whether to include the original edge id in the FusedCSCSamplingGraph.

  • force_preprocess (bool, optional) – Whether to force reload the ondisk dataset.

  • auto_cast_to_optimal_dtype (bool, optional) – Casts the dtypes of tensors in the dataset into smallest possible dtypes for reduced storage requirements and potentially increased performance. Default is True.

load(tasks: List[str] | None = None)[source]

Load the dataset.


tasks (List[str] = None) – The name of the tasks to be loaded. For single task, the type of tasks can be both string and List[str]. For multiple tasks, only List[str] is acceptable.


  1. Loading via single task name “node_classification”.

>>> dataset = gb.OnDiskDataset(base_dir).load(
...     tasks="node_classification")
>>> len(dataset.tasks)
>>> dataset.tasks[0].metadata["name"]
  1. Loading via single task name [“node_classification”].

>>> dataset = gb.OnDiskDataset(base_dir).load(
...     tasks=["node_classification"])
>>> len(dataset.tasks)
>>> dataset.tasks[0].metadata["name"]

3. Loading via multiple task names [“node_classification”, “link_prediction”].

>>> dataset = gb.OnDiskDataset(base_dir).load(
...     tasks=["node_classification","link_prediction"])
>>> len(dataset.tasks)
>>> dataset.tasks[0].metadata["name"]
>>> dataset.tasks[1].metadata["name"]
property all_nodes_set: ItemSet | ItemSetDict

Return the itemset containing all nodes.

property dataset_name: str

Return the dataset name.

property feature: TorchBasedFeatureStore

Return the feature.

property graph: SamplingGraph

Return the graph.

property tasks: List[Task]

Return the tasks.

property yaml_data: Dict

Return the YAML data.