Source code for dgl.graphbolt.itemset

"""GraphBolt Itemset."""

import textwrap
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Tuple, Union

import torch

__all__ = ["ItemSet", "ItemSetDict"]

def is_scalar(x):
    """Checks if the input is a scalar."""
    return (
        len(x.shape) == 0 if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else isinstance(x, int)

[docs]class ItemSet: r"""A wrapper of a tensor or tuple of tensors. Parameters ---------- items: Union[int, torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]] The tensors to be wrapped. - If it is a single scalar (an integer or a tensor that holds a single value), the item would be considered as a range_tensor created by `torch.arange`. - If it is a multi-dimensional tensor, the indexing will be performed along the first dimension. - If it is a tuple, each item in the tuple must be a tensor. names: Union[str, Tuple[str]], optional The names of the items. If it is a tuple, each name must corresponds to an item in the `items` parameter. The naming is arbitrary, but in general practice, the names should be chosen from ['labels', 'seeds', 'indexes'] to align with the attributes of class `dgl.graphbolt.MiniBatch`. Examples -------- >>> import torch >>> from dgl import graphbolt as gb 1. Integer: number of nodes. >>> num = 10 >>> item_set = gb.ItemSet(num, names="seeds") >>> list(item_set) [tensor(0), tensor(1), tensor(2), tensor(3), tensor(4), tensor(5), tensor(6), tensor(7), tensor(8), tensor(9)] >>> item_set[:] tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) >>> item_set.names ('seeds',) 2. Torch scalar: number of nodes. Customizable dtype compared to Integer. >>> num = torch.tensor(10, dtype=torch.int32) >>> item_set = gb.ItemSet(num, names="seeds") >>> list(item_set) [tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32), tensor(1, dtype=torch.int32), tensor(2, dtype=torch.int32), tensor(3, dtype=torch.int32), tensor(4, dtype=torch.int32), tensor(5, dtype=torch.int32), tensor(6, dtype=torch.int32), tensor(7, dtype=torch.int32), tensor(8, dtype=torch.int32), tensor(9, dtype=torch.int32)] >>> item_set[:] tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype=torch.int32) >>> item_set.names ('seeds',) 3. Single tensor: seed nodes. >>> node_ids = torch.arange(0, 5) >>> item_set = gb.ItemSet(node_ids, names="seeds") >>> list(item_set) [tensor(0), tensor(1), tensor(2), tensor(3), tensor(4)] >>> item_set[:] tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> item_set.names ('seeds',) 4. Tuple of tensors with same shape: seed nodes and labels. >>> node_ids = torch.arange(0, 5) >>> labels = torch.arange(5, 10) >>> item_set = gb.ItemSet( ... (node_ids, labels), names=("seeds", "labels")) >>> list(item_set) [(tensor(0), tensor(5)), (tensor(1), tensor(6)), (tensor(2), tensor(7)), (tensor(3), tensor(8)), (tensor(4), tensor(9))] >>> item_set[:] (tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), tensor([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) >>> item_set.names ('seeds', 'labels') 5. Tuple of tensors with different shape: seeds and labels. >>> seeds = torch.arange(0, 10).reshape(-1, 2) >>> labels = torch.tensor([1, 1, 0, 0, 0]) >>> item_set = gb.ItemSet( ... (seeds, labels), names=("seeds", "lables")) >>> list(item_set) [(tensor([0, 1]), tensor([1])), (tensor([2, 3]), tensor([1])), (tensor([4, 5]), tensor([0])), (tensor([6, 7]), tensor([0])), (tensor([8, 9]), tensor([0]))] >>> item_set[:] (tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7], [8, 9]]), tensor([1, 1, 0, 0, 0])) >>> item_set.names ('seeds', 'labels') 6. Tuple of tensors with different shape: hyperlink and labels. >>> seeds = torch.arange(0, 10).reshape(-1, 5) >>> labels = torch.tensor([1, 0]) >>> item_set = gb.ItemSet( ... (seeds, labels), names=("seeds", "lables")) >>> list(item_set) [(tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), tensor([1])), (tensor([5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), tensor([0]))] >>> item_set[:] (tensor([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]), tensor([1, 0])) >>> item_set.names ('seeds', 'labels') """ def __init__( self, items: Union[int, torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]], names: Union[str, Tuple[str]] = None, ) -> None: if is_scalar(items): self._length = int(items) self._items = items elif isinstance(items, tuple): self._length = len(items[0]) if any(self._length != len(item) for item in items): raise ValueError("Size mismatch between items.") self._items = items else: self._length = len(items) self._items = (items,) self._num_items = ( len(self._items) if isinstance(self._items, tuple) else 1 ) if names is not None: if isinstance(names, tuple): self._names = names else: self._names = (names,) assert self._num_items == len(self._names), ( f"Number of items ({self._num_items}) and " f"names ({len(self._names)}) don't match." ) else: self._names = None def __len__(self) -> int: return self._length def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice, Iterable[int]]): if is_scalar(self._items): dtype = getattr(self._items, "dtype", torch.int64) if isinstance(index, slice): start, stop, step = index.indices(self._length) return torch.arange(start, stop, step, dtype=dtype) elif isinstance(index, int): if index < 0: index += self._length if index < 0 or index >= self._length: raise IndexError( f"{type(self).__name__} index out of range." ) return torch.tensor(index, dtype=dtype) elif isinstance(index, Iterable): return torch.tensor(index, dtype=dtype) else: raise TypeError( f"{type(self).__name__} indices must be int, slice, or " f"iterable of int, not {type(index)}." ) elif self._num_items == 1: return self._items[0][index] else: return tuple(item[index] for item in self._items) @property def names(self) -> Tuple[str]: """Return the names of the items.""" return self._names @property def num_items(self) -> int: """Return the number of the items.""" return self._num_items def __repr__(self) -> str: ret = ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(\n" f" items={self._items},\n" f" names={self._names},\n" f")" ) return ret
[docs]class ItemSetDict: r"""Dictionary wrapper of **ItemSet**. This class aims to assemble existing itemsets with different tags, for example, seed_nodes of different node types in a graph. Parameters ---------- itemsets: Dict[str, ItemSet] Examples -------- >>> import torch >>> from dgl import graphbolt as gb 1. Each itemset is a single tensor: seed nodes. >>> node_ids_user = torch.arange(0, 5) >>> node_ids_item = torch.arange(5, 10) >>> item_set = gb.ItemSetDict({ ... "user": gb.ItemSet(node_ids_user, names="seeds"), ... "item": gb.ItemSet(node_ids_item, names="seeds")}) >>> list(item_set) [{"user": tensor(0)}, {"user": tensor(1)}, {"user": tensor(2)}, {"user": tensor(3)}, {"user": tensor(4)}, {"item": tensor(5)}, {"item": tensor(6)}, {"item": tensor(7)}, {"item": tensor(8)}, {"item": tensor(9)}}] >>> item_set[:] {"user": tensor([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), "item": tensor([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])} >>> item_set.names ('seeds',) 2. Each itemset is a tuple of tensors with same shape: seed nodes and labels. >>> node_ids_user = torch.arange(0, 2) >>> labels_user = torch.arange(0, 2) >>> node_ids_item = torch.arange(2, 5) >>> labels_item = torch.arange(2, 5) >>> item_set = gb.ItemSetDict({ ... "user": gb.ItemSet( ... (node_ids_user, labels_user), ... names=("seeds", "labels")), ... "item": gb.ItemSet( ... (node_ids_item, labels_item), ... names=("seeds", "labels"))}) >>> list(item_set) [{"user": (tensor(0), tensor(0))}, {"user": (tensor(1), tensor(1))}, {"item": (tensor(2), tensor(2))}, {"item": (tensor(3), tensor(3))}, {"item": (tensor(4), tensor(4))}}] >>> item_set[:] {"user": (tensor([0, 1]), tensor([0, 1])), "item": (tensor([2, 3, 4]), tensor([2, 3, 4]))} >>> item_set.names ('seeds', 'labels') 3. Each itemset is a tuple of tensors with different shape: seeds and labels. >>> seeds_like = torch.arange(0, 4).reshape(-1, 2) >>> labels_like = torch.tensor([1, 0]) >>> seeds_follow = torch.arange(0, 6).reshape(-1, 2) >>> labels_follow = torch.tensor([1, 1, 0]) >>> item_set = gb.ItemSetDict({ ... "user:like:item": gb.ItemSet( ... (seeds_like, labels_like), ... names=("seeds", "labels")), ... "user:follow:user": gb.ItemSet( ... (seeds_follow, labels_follow), ... names=("seeds", "labels"))}) >>> list(item_set) [{'user:like:item': (tensor([0, 1]), tensor(1))}, {'user:like:item': (tensor([2, 3]), tensor(0))}, {'user:follow:user': (tensor([0, 1]), tensor(1))}, {'user:follow:user': (tensor([2, 3]), tensor(1))}, {'user:follow:user': (tensor([4, 5]), tensor(0))}] >>> item_set[:] {'user:like:item': (tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3]]), tensor([1, 0])), 'user:follow:user': (tensor([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]), tensor([1, 1, 0]))} >>> item_set.names ('seeds', 'labels') 4. Each itemset is a tuple of tensors with different shape: hyperlink and labels. >>> first_seeds = torch.arange(0, 6).reshape(-1, 3) >>> first_labels = torch.tensor([1, 0]) >>> second_seeds = torch.arange(0, 2).reshape(-1, 1) >>> second_labels = torch.tensor([1, 0]) >>> item_set = gb.ItemSetDict({ ... "query:user:item": gb.ItemSet( ... (first_seeds, first_labels), ... names=("seeds", "labels")), ... "user": gb.ItemSet( ... (second_seeds, second_labels), ... names=("seeds", "labels"))}) >>> list(item_set) [{'query:user:item': (tensor([0, 1, 2]), tensor(1))}, {'query:user:item': (tensor([3, 4, 5]), tensor(0))}, {'user': (tensor([0]), tensor(1))}, {'user': (tensor([1]), tensor(0))}] >>> item_set[:] {'query:user:item': (tensor([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]), tensor([1, 0])), 'user': (tensor([[0], [1]]),tensor([1, 0]))} >>> item_set.names ('seeds', 'labels') """ def __init__(self, itemsets: Dict[str, ItemSet]) -> None: self._itemsets = itemsets self._names = next(iter(itemsets.values())).names assert all( self._names == itemset.names for itemset in itemsets.values() ), "All itemsets must have the same names." offset = [0] + [len(itemset) for itemset in self._itemsets.values()] self._offsets = torch.tensor(offset).cumsum(0) self._length = int(self._offsets[-1]) self._keys = list(self._itemsets.keys()) def __len__(self) -> int: return self._length def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice, Iterable[int]]): if isinstance(index, int): if index < 0: index += self._length if index < 0 or index >= self._length: raise IndexError(f"{type(self).__name__} index out of range.") offset_idx = torch.searchsorted(self._offsets, index, right=True) offset_idx -= 1 index -= self._offsets[offset_idx] key = self._keys[offset_idx] return {key: self._itemsets[key][index]} elif isinstance(index, slice): start, stop, step = index.indices(self._length) if step != 1: return self.__getitem__(torch.arange(start, stop, step)) assert start < stop, "Start must be smaller than stop." data = {} offset_idx_start = max( 1, torch.searchsorted(self._offsets, start, right=False) ) for offset_idx in range(offset_idx_start, len(self._offsets)): key = self._keys[offset_idx - 1] data[key] = self._itemsets[key][ max(0, start - self._offsets[offset_idx - 1]) : stop - self._offsets[offset_idx - 1] ] if stop <= self._offsets[offset_idx]: break return data elif isinstance(index, Iterable): # TODO[Mingbang]: Might have performance issue. Tests needed. data = {key: [] for key in self._keys} for idx in index: if idx < 0: idx += self._length if idx < 0 or idx >= self._length: raise IndexError( f"{type(self).__name__} index out of range." ) offset_idx = torch.searchsorted(self._offsets, idx, right=True) offset_idx -= 1 idx -= self._offsets[offset_idx] key = self._keys[offset_idx] data[key].append(int(idx)) for key in self._keys: indices = data[key] if len(indices) == 0: del data[key] continue item_set = self._itemsets[key] try: value = item_set[indices] except TypeError: # In case the itemset doesn't support list indexing. value = tuple(item_set[idx] for idx in indices) finally: data[key] = value return data else: raise TypeError( f"{type(self).__name__} indices must be int, slice, or " f"iterable of int, not {type(index)}." ) @property def names(self) -> Tuple[str]: """Return the names of the items.""" return self._names def __repr__(self) -> str: ret = ( "{Classname}(\n" " itemsets={itemsets},\n" " names={names},\n" ")" ) itemsets_str = textwrap.indent( repr(self._itemsets), " " * len(" itemsets=") ).strip() return ret.format( Classname=self.__class__.__name__, itemsets=itemsets_str, names=self._names, )