Source code for dgl.dataloading.negative_sampler

"""Negative samplers"""
from import Mapping

from .. import backend as F

class _BaseNegativeSampler(object):
    def _generate(self, g, eids, canonical_etype):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __call__(self, g, eids):
        """Returns negative samples.

        g : DGLGraph
            The graph.
        eids : Tensor or dict[etype, Tensor]
            The sampled edges in the minibatch.

        tuple[Tensor, Tensor] or dict[etype, tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]
            The returned source-destination pairs as negative samples.
        if isinstance(eids, Mapping):
            eids = {g.to_canonical_etype(k): v for k, v in eids.items()}
            neg_pair = {k: self._generate(g, v, k) for k, v in eids.items()}
            assert (
                len(g.canonical_etypes) == 1
            ), "please specify a dict of etypes and ids for graphs with multiple edge types"
            neg_pair = self._generate(g, eids, g.canonical_etypes[0])

        return neg_pair

[docs]class PerSourceUniform(_BaseNegativeSampler): """Negative sampler that randomly chooses negative destination nodes for each source node according to a uniform distribution. For each edge ``(u, v)`` of type ``(srctype, etype, dsttype)``, DGL generates :attr:`k` pairs of negative edges ``(u, v')``, where ``v'`` is chosen uniformly from all the nodes of type ``dsttype``. The resulting edges will also have type ``(srctype, etype, dsttype)``. Parameters ---------- k : int The number of negative samples per edge. Examples -------- >>> g = dgl.graph(([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])) >>> neg_sampler = dgl.dataloading.negative_sampler.PerSourceUniform(2) >>> neg_sampler(g, torch.tensor([0, 1])) (tensor([0, 0, 1, 1]), tensor([1, 0, 2, 3])) """ def __init__(self, k): self.k = k def _generate(self, g, eids, canonical_etype): _, _, vtype = canonical_etype shape = F.shape(eids) dtype = F.dtype(eids) ctx = F.context(eids) shape = (shape[0] * self.k,) src, _ = g.find_edges(eids, etype=canonical_etype) src = F.repeat(src, self.k, 0) dst = F.randint(shape, dtype, ctx, 0, g.num_nodes(vtype)) return src, dst
# Alias Uniform = PerSourceUniform
[docs]class GlobalUniform(_BaseNegativeSampler): """Negative sampler that randomly chooses negative source-destination pairs according to a uniform distribution. For each edge ``(u, v)`` of type ``(srctype, etype, dsttype)``, DGL generates at most :attr:`k` pairs of negative edges ``(u', v')``, where ``u'`` is chosen uniformly from all the nodes of type ``srctype`` and ``v'`` is chosen uniformly from all the nodes of type ``dsttype``. The resulting edges will also have type ``(srctype, etype, dsttype)``. DGL guarantees that the sampled pairs will not have edges in between. Parameters ---------- k : int The desired number of negative samples to generate per edge. exclude_self_loops : bool, optional Whether to exclude self-loops from negative samples. (Default: True) replace : bool, optional Whether to sample with replacement. Setting it to True will make things faster. (Default: False) Notes ----- This negative sampler will try to generate as many negative samples as possible, but it may rarely return less than :attr:`k` negative samples per edge. This is more likely to happen if a graph is so small or dense that not many unique negative samples exist. Examples -------- >>> g = dgl.graph(([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])) >>> neg_sampler = dgl.dataloading.negative_sampler.GlobalUniform(2, True) >>> neg_sampler(g, torch.LongTensor([0, 1])) (tensor([0, 1, 3, 2]), tensor([2, 0, 2, 1])) """ def __init__(self, k, exclude_self_loops=True, replace=False): self.k = k self.exclude_self_loops = exclude_self_loops self.replace = replace def _generate(self, g, eids, canonical_etype): return g.global_uniform_negative_sampling( len(eids) * self.k, self.exclude_self_loops, self.replace, canonical_etype, )