Source code for dgl.sparse.sddmm

"""Sampled Dense-Dense Matrix Multiplication (SDDMM) operator module."""
import torch

from .sparse_matrix import SparseMatrix

__all__ = ["sddmm", "bsddmm"]

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def sddmm(A: SparseMatrix, X1: torch.Tensor, X2: torch.Tensor) -> SparseMatrix: r"""Sampled-Dense-Dense Matrix Multiplication (SDDMM). ``sddmm`` matrix-multiplies two dense matrices :attr:`X1` and :attr:`X2`, then elementwise-multiplies the result with sparse matrix :attr:`A` at the nonzero locations. Mathematically ``sddmm`` is formulated as: .. math:: out = (X1 @ X2) * A In particular, :attr:`X1` and :attr:`X2` can be 1-D, then ``X1 @ X2`` becomes the out-product of the two vectors (which results in a matrix). Parameters ---------- A : SparseMatrix Sparse matrix of shape ``(L, N)`` X1 : torch.Tensor Dense matrix of shape ``(L, M)`` or ``(L,)`` X2 : torch.Tensor Dense matrix of shape ``(M, N)`` or ``(N,)`` Returns ------- SparseMatrix Sparse matrix of shape ``(L, N)`` Examples -------- >>> indices = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 2], [2, 3, 3]]) >>> val = torch.arange(1, 4).float() >>> A = dglsp.spmatrix(indices, val, (3, 4)) >>> X1 = torch.randn(3, 5) >>> X2 = torch.randn(5, 4) >>> dglsp.sddmm(A, X1, X2) SparseMatrix(indices=tensor([[1, 1, 2], [2, 3, 3]]), values=tensor([-1.6585, -3.9714, -0.5406]), shape=(3, 4), nnz=3) """ return SparseMatrix(torch.ops.dgl_sparse.sddmm(A.c_sparse_matrix, X1, X2))
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def bsddmm(A: SparseMatrix, X1: torch.Tensor, X2: torch.Tensor) -> SparseMatrix: r"""Sampled-Dense-Dense Matrix Multiplication (SDDMM) by batches. ``sddmm`` matrix-multiplies two dense matrices :attr:`X1` and :attr:`X2`, then elementwise-multiplies the result with sparse matrix :attr:`A` at the nonzero locations. Mathematically ``sddmm`` is formulated as: .. math:: out = (X1 @ X2) * A The batch dimension is the last dimension for input dense matrices. In particular, if the sparse matrix has scalar non-zero values, it will be broadcasted for bsddmm. Parameters ---------- A : SparseMatrix Sparse matrix of shape ``(L, N)`` with scalar values or vector values of length ``K`` X1 : Tensor Dense matrix of shape ``(L, M, K)`` X2 : Tensor Dense matrix of shape ``(M, N, K)`` Returns ------- SparseMatrix Sparse matrix of shape ``(L, N)`` with vector values of length ``K`` Examples -------- >>> indices = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 2], [2, 3, 3]]) >>> val = torch.arange(1, 4).float() >>> A = dglsp.spmatrix(indices, val, (3, 4)) >>> X1 = torch.arange(0, 3 * 5 * 2).view(3, 5, 2).float() >>> X2 = torch.arange(0, 5 * 4 * 2).view(5, 4, 2).float() >>> dglsp.bsddmm(A, X1, X2) SparseMatrix(indices=tensor([[1, 1, 2], [2, 3, 3]]), values=tensor([[1560., 1735.], [3400., 3770.], [8400., 9105.]]), shape=(3, 4), nnz=3, val_size=(2,)) """ return sddmm(A, X1, X2)