Source code for

"""Degree Encoder"""

import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn

[docs]class DegreeEncoder(nn.Module): r"""Degree Encoder, as introduced in `Do Transformers Really Perform Bad for Graph Representation? <>`__ This module is a learnable degree embedding module. Parameters ---------- max_degree : int Upper bound of degrees to be encoded. Each degree will be clamped into the range [0, ``max_degree``]. embedding_dim : int Output dimension of embedding vectors. direction : str, optional Degrees of which direction to be encoded, selected from ``in``, ``out`` and ``both``. ``both`` encodes degrees from both directions and output the addition of them. Default : ``both``. Example ------- >>> import dgl >>> from dgl.nn import DegreeEncoder >>> import torch as th >>> from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence >>> g1 = dgl.graph(([0,0,0,1,1,2,3,3], [1,2,3,0,3,0,0,1])) >>> g2 = dgl.graph(([0,1], [1,0])) >>> in_degree = pad_sequence([g1.in_degrees(), g2.in_degrees()], batch_first=True) >>> out_degree = pad_sequence([g1.out_degrees(), g2.out_degrees()], batch_first=True) >>> print(in_degree.shape) torch.Size([2, 4]) >>> degree_encoder = DegreeEncoder(5, 16) >>> degree_embedding = degree_encoder(th.stack((in_degree, out_degree))) >>> print(degree_embedding.shape) torch.Size([2, 4, 16]) """ def __init__(self, max_degree, embedding_dim, direction="both"): super(DegreeEncoder, self).__init__() self.direction = direction if direction == "both": self.encoder1 = nn.Embedding( max_degree + 1, embedding_dim, padding_idx=0 ) self.encoder2 = nn.Embedding( max_degree + 1, embedding_dim, padding_idx=0 ) else: self.encoder = nn.Embedding( max_degree + 1, embedding_dim, padding_idx=0 ) self.max_degree = max_degree
[docs] def forward(self, degrees): """ Parameters ---------- degrees : Tensor If :attr:`direction` is ``both``, it should be stacked in degrees and out degrees of the batched graph with zero padding, a tensor of shape :math:`(2, B, N)`. Otherwise, it should be zero-padded in degrees or out degrees of the batched graph, a tensor of shape :math:`(B, N)`, where :math:`B` is the batch size of the batched graph, and :math:`N` is the maximum number of nodes. Returns ------- Tensor Return degree embedding vectors of shape :math:`(B, N, d)`, where :math:`d` is :attr:`embedding_dim`. """ degrees = th.clamp(degrees, min=0, max=self.max_degree) if self.direction == "in": assert len(degrees.shape) == 2 degree_embedding = self.encoder(degrees) elif self.direction == "out": assert len(degrees.shape) == 2 degree_embedding = self.encoder(degrees) elif self.direction == "both": assert len(degrees.shape) == 3 and degrees.shape[0] == 2 degree_embedding = self.encoder1(degrees[0]) + self.encoder2( degrees[1] ) else: raise ValueError( f'Supported direction options: "in", "out" and "both", ' f"but got {self.direction}" ) return degree_embedding